Perceiving The Experience Of Our Perspective

We always perceive the experience of our perspective:

  • We have a mental perspective of what we have
  • We are doing the physical experience of what we do
  • We are being the emotional perception of who we are

There are three aspects of the three dimensions of our spirituality:

  • Being-Doing-Having
  • Emotional-Physical-Mental
  • Perception-Experience-Perspective

Three dimensional spirituality allows a mental choice of perspective, a choice of emotional perception & a choice of physical experience.

How I see my reality determines how I feel about my reality and what I know about my reality. To see, feel & know my reality, requires an intuitive sense of my own spirituality.

When I believe that life happens to me: I am having-doing-being. I believe that when I have what I want, I can do what I want and be happy.

When I choose for life to happen by me: I do what I need to do, to have what I want, to be happy. I am doing-having-being.

In both scenarios, being happy is the end result of either having & doing or doing & having. Happiness is driven by the need to be happy, which is motivated by my unhappiness. I am disempowered by the negative polarity of my unhappiness, so things go wrong and chaos is the common outcome. Chaos is always a problem that causes unhappiness. By the Law of Attraction, unhappiness attracts more unhappiness and problems attract more problems, until chaos ensues.

When I reverse the polarity, I allow life to flow through me, in a positive direction, without resistance. Without resistance, spiritual flow is effortless and beneficial. I am very happy when life flows effortlessly in a beneficial way. Without any resistance, life happens through me: I am being-doing-having. When I am being happy, I am doing whatever I am inspired to do and having the time of my life. When I am being happy, my actions are empowered and I have everything that I need in that present moment. I need nothing and I truly value everything that I already have.

There is nothing that I have to do and there is nothing that I need to have, to be innately happy. My innate happiness flows from within me, as an expression of who I am being, when I allow it to.

I experience happiness as a perception of my perspective. When I intuitively see that my happiness is innate, I feel the power of my emotional Beingness and I know that it is just a matter of my own personal perspective of how life is happening in my vision of reality.