Three Perspectives of Reality

My Perspective of Reality can be either Absolute, Relative or Divine.

My perspective of the absolute sees the big picture of everything as ‘we’.

We are collectively all that is.

The one version of everything is ‘us’.

There is no ‘I’, ‘you’, or ‘they’.

My perspective of the relative sees ‘you’ separate from ‘me’ and ‘they’ as separate from ‘us’.

We become relative to each other, separate yet attached, individual yet collective.

The one version of everything that is universal energy becomes many versions of individual reality through personal choice.

My perspective of the divine overcomes the duality of relative existence so that all choices are experienced as beneficial for the growth & expansion of the whole.

It allows the choice of the One to be expressed in an infinite number of possible ways that are always experienced as being beneficial, which is divine.