The Perspective of Twoness

The Perspective of Twoness sees a duality.

In a duality everything is apart from everything else.

Everything is separate & in opposition.

I see the matter not the energy.

Emotional energy is of no concern.

The focus is on the quality of the matter.

The quality of matter matters.

The illusion of twoness is that everything has an opposite.

This allows the illusion of choice.

The reality of the illusion is a choice of perspective.

I can see right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative, nice or nasty, which I like or dislike and is alike or unalike.

The reality is an extensive world of matter from which I am apart from & a part of.

There is no fixed perspective other than that upon which I fix my perspective.

I always have a choice of perspective that is unique & individual to me.