Clockwise & Anticlockwise

Clockwise & Anticlockwise are a duality of spin, rotation & orbit.

In absolute reality there is no duality as there is no opposing perspective.

Duality is an effect of relative perspective.

A choice of perspective causes duality.

Duality allows a choice of clockwise or anticlockwise perspective.

The hands of a clock appear to rotate clockwise.

When seen from behind the clock appears to run backwards or anticlockwise.

Similarly the Earth spins on its axis in a clockwise direction when viewed from the northern hemisphere.

When my perspective shifts to a southern hemisphere view from below Antarctica, the Earth appears to spin anticlockwise.

From the perspective of the northern hemisphere, the Earth’s orbit of the Sun appears to be clockwise.

A perspective of the Earth from the bottom of the Sun would view it as orbiting anti-clockwise.

Similarly it would depend on whether I was standing on the top or the bottom of the Sun as to whether the Sun appeared to  be spinning clockwise or anticlockwise.

Whether the Solar System is rotating around its axis in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction would depend on the perspective of the viewer being in front or behind the path of the Sun on its orbit around the galactic centre.