Five Dimensions Of Perspective

A One Dimensional Perspective is Infinite.

It sees only the singularity of infinity.

A Two Dimensional Perspective is Definite.

It sees a definite duality, a definite choice.

A Three Dimensional Perspective has Meaning.

It sees the mean or the balance between the duality.

A Four Dimensional Perspective has Reason.

It sees the reason for a dream reality.

A Five Dimensional Perspective has Purpose.

It sees the purpose of a personal vision.

An infinitely, definite, meaning, reason & purpose are the five dimensions of perspective.

When I know that life is infinite, I can define it.

When I know that life is definite, I can see the meaning.

When I know the meaning of life, I can see with reason.

When I know the reason for life, I can see my purpose.

I overcome infinity when I define my experience.

I overcome duality when my experience has meaning.

I overcome my nightmares when my dreams have a reason.

I come into fulfilment when I see the purpose of my life experience.

When I define my meaning, reason & purpose as the same thing, I will stay infinitely lost in the dual reality of life.