Personality Defects

Personality Defects are the default effects of our personality.

Personality is the reality of a person, which is relative to personal emotional needs.

We each have our own list of emotional needs and we have each developed our own ways of meeting our needs for emotional energy.

My emotional needs and the way that I meet them, determine my individual personality.

My emotional needs cause my default behaviour. I am sub-consciously driven to meet my own need for emotional energy, in the best way that I have learned how.

As my need for energy, or power, is emotional; the way that I meet my needs is seldom rational and often irrational.

Personality is not a defect but it is a default effect. I sub-consciously default to behaviour that I believe will meet my need for emotional power. I default or defect to learned behaviour, which I sub-consciously believe will meet my emotional needs.

I default to a polarised gender of emotion until I learn to consciously choose a pure, natural, prime or divine emotional attribute. An emotional attribute is an emotional state of being that I can consciously choose with emotional awareness to attribute to my Self.

In a dual reality world, I default to either a male or a female gender of emotion, which I perceive to have a positive rather than a negative polarity. An emotional attribute is either positive or negative because I believe it to be either beneficial or detrimental for me.

An emotional state of being is either male or female by gender, from the perspective of my dual reality existence. In absolute reality, there is no gender or polarity; just a pure & divine state of being.

My True Identity is without the gender of a personality and the polarity of a character. I adopt a personality based on my emotional needs and a character based on my belief system. I develop this from birth, whilst in physical form in a dual reality world.

It is through the experience of a unique personality & individual character that I discover the extremes of the gender & polarity choices of my mental & emotional energy. It is my mental thoughts & emotional feelings relative to my physical reality that allow me to explore, discover & experience the true identity of who I really am.

It is through my personality defects and my character flaws that I determine the purity of my True Identity.