Seven Levels of Judgement

There are 7 Levels of Judgement:
  1. Judgement of others. This is making choices for or about others.
  2. Non-judgement of others. We decide not to openly judge or blame others, after making a judgement of others. This requires false humility and is self-righteous.
  3. Judgement of Self. This is deciding whether who we are is good or bad for us. This is essential for personal development and is not to be confused with self blame or criticism.
  4. Non-judgement of/by Self. This is denial or procrastination. 
  5. Discernment by Self. This is following the choices of our conscious ego self.
  6. Acceptance of others. This is being without tolerations and without boundaries.
  7. Acceptance of Self. This requires the perspective of our Soul.
In the early stages of personal development and spiritual growth, discernment is essential to choosing what is right or wrong for our Self. It is judgement of others that impedes our own personal development.
As we influence the path of others, so will others influence and create resistance to our path.
As we learn to communicate with our Inner coach, we learn that the discernment of our Soul, is preferable to the choices of our Self and acceptance of our Soul’s Choice becomes the choice for our Self.
Only by accepting the Divinity of our Soul can we become our Soul, the image in which we were created, and move to total Acceptance of our Self.
Unless we first attain Acceptance of all others, we cannot attain Acceptance of or for our Self.