Common Decency

Common Decency is a society’s moral standard.

What is decent is considered to be moral and what is indecent is considered to be immoral.

Morality is the standard of behaviour that a society has inherited from its religion.

Religious values are morals that are common to the body of the church. They are the standards that a church needs its followers to conform to.

Common people have always been subjected to the morals of their church in order to be seen as decent.

Morals are the boundaries that define decent people as good and righteous.

Being subjected to other people’s boundaries may be common and it may be decent but it also restricts my personal freedom.

My boundaries allow me the security of my own comfort zone but deny my freedom of choice, which denies my personal development and growth.

My growth and development announces my ‘ascension’, not my decent into the moral dramas of the common people.