My True Identity

My True Identity is determined by my Attributes and my Attainments, not my personality & character.

I am not the product of my beliefs and my emotional needs, which are personal to me and characteristic of me, but not the real me.

My personality & character are just aspects of the role that I am presently playing out in the drama of this life-time.

My personal attributes have been attained over the course of many life-times.

They are my states of being; the vibrations of emotion with which I resonate; the gifts that I am born with.

I have attained emotional attributes with which I can resonate as my natural state of being.

Children of the same family will have different personalities & characters because, even though they may share the same beliefs and similar emotional needs, they all have different attributes that are their unique gift that they have attained and present in this life-time as an expression of their true identity.

It is the true identity of my personal attributes & attainments that is attractive to other people, not my personality & character.

It is my true identity that attracts people with a similar true identity, so that we may share our attributes in the attainment of our mutual personal spiritual development & growth.