The Personal Development of the Client

The Personal Development of the Client is the goal of every Coach.

The type of personal development is determined by the type of Coach.

A Corporate Coach develops an individual client within their work environment, to improve knowledge, skills, talent, profitability, work potential, & human capital, to achieve the ability to lead & manage people.

A Life Coach develops an individual client in all aspects of their business-life, home-life and social-life to improve self-awareness, identity, spirituality, human potential, lifestyle, quality of life, health, & all their aspirations, to attain the ability to lead & manage their own life.

With corporate coaching, the client and the coachee are not always the same person, whereas with life coaching the coachee is also the client.

Coaching is always a one-to-one discipline for the personal development of an individual.

When a Company is the client and the aim of the Coach is the development of the Company, the objective of the Coach is the objective of the Company and is no longer the subject of the coachee.

When the objective of a Company is the personal development of each individual employee, the Company has a choice as to whether they employ a Corporate Coach or a Life Coach, or both.

With Life Coaching, the Coachee is the client being personally developed.

With Corporate Coaching, the business is the client and the Coach is personally developing the client’s business via the Coachee.