Inner Peace

Inner Peace is my natural state of being.

With Inner Peace, I am without inner conflict.

My inner conflict is created by my unauthorised thoughts, my limiting beliefs, my fears and my low self-confidence.

I declare Inner Peace with my Self once I attain authority for my thoughts with confidence, I own my beliefs and I become fearless.

Without Inner Peace my external world will be at war. I will be in conflict with other people because of my lack of Inner Peace.

Peace cannot reign in my Inner World until I have sovereignty over my Inner World.

World Peace will be attained when each individual  declares their own personal Inner Peace.

Unless I own my Inner Peace, I will fear the lack of inner peace that others reflect to me.

The only real threats to my Inner Peace are my own thoughts and beliefs.

Wars are not started by religion but they are often the manifestation of fearful, limited and unauthorised choices based on peoples’ religious beliefs.

Personal Inner Peace is the only way to manifest World Peace.