The Paradox Of Individual Entities

The Paradox of Individual Entities is that they can exist in both separateness or togetherness and in separateness & togetherness.

A Human Entity has Individual choice. I can be separate in togetherness with another human being or together in separateness from them.

  • Being separate from another in togetherness with them, is an emotional state of being exclusively detached
  • Being together with another in separateness from them, is an emotional state of being inclusively attached

In an exclusively detached inter-developmental partnership, we are emotionally together sharing the compassionate experiences of our separate choices.

In an inclusively attached co-dependent partnership, we are together meeting each other’s emotional needs.

An emotional partnership becomes even more paradoxical when one partner is emotionally inclusively attached and the other partner is emotionally exclusively detached.

When Individuals come into partnership, they both have a choice of retaining the individuality of their own entity or sharing the personality & character of one individual married entity.

The paradox deepens when an Individual Entity has a clear distinction between their Self and their Soul. They can see their Individual Self as a part of their Soul Entity or they can see their-self as individually apart from their Soul.

  • When the individual ego sense of self aligns with its Soul Entity, it is spiritually together in its physical separation
  • When the ego is misaligned with its Soul entity, it is physically together with other non-spiritual separate entities

From a spiritual perspective, there is only One Soul. From a physical human perspective, we are either a part of our own Soul or apart from our own Soul.