The Paradox Of Service

The Paradox of Service is that we are not here to serve others, yet being here serves others. We are as much in service to others when we do not serve them as when we do serve them. It is possible to be of better service to another by not serving them.

We are all here in the service of our Soul, unless that is, we choose not to be. As a sovereign entity, I can choose to be here in service or be here under vice.

With a two dimensional perspective of being selfish or unselfish, service to others meets my emotional need to be needed and their emotional need to be cared for. It is a tax I pay in duty to another, who meets my sub-conscious emotional need, when I am either serving another or being served by another.

With a three dimensional perspective of being truly selfish, we are all here to serve our Self. We are here to consciously develop our ego sense of self to intellectually explore, discover & experience whatever we individually judge to be best for our self.

With a four dimensional perspective, I am solely here to serve my Soul. Each individual self is here to intuitively serve their higher self, real self, authentic self or super-conscious self in a way that they know, feel or see to be best for their Soul.

Each individual human self is a sovereign entity with personal choice and the authority to serve its Self. In this three dimensional existence, there are always three choices available to everyone at all times because there are always three dimensions of perspective:

  • I can unselfishly, instinctively serve other people
  • I can selfishly, intellectually serve my ego self
  • I can truly selfishly, intuitively serve my Soul

Whatever I choose is always relative to the perspective that I perceive, which is relative to the level of my conscious-awareness.

A sovereign entity, with personal choice, is not here to serve others, yet being an entity with sovereign choice serves all others extremely well. It is the epitome of being Human. Being in service to our Soul is the essential nature of all sovereign entities in human existence.