The Paradox Of The Oxymoron

It is a dual perspective of real life that sees a surreal paradox in contrast to an unreal oxymoron.

  • A Paradox is a contradiction in choices from a true & wise perspective
  • An Oxymoron is a contradiction in choices from a false & unwise perspective

In all the choices of perspective available in a relative dual reality experience of life, there is one choice that is both a paradox and an oxymoron. It is both true and untrue relative to personal perspective. That choice is called Non-Duality.

Non-duality is a paradox because it defines a contrast in choice, of two ways out of a duality. That choice is between a singularity and a triality. Choosing a triality overcomes the duality of singularity & duality, which is also a duality of duality & non-duality. Choosing the singularity of the oneness of everything & nothing is denying something called the duality of everything & nothing. Singularity is a oneness with the unity of nothing and the unity of everything, which is a paradox. Whereas the singularity of everything and the oneness of nothing are both oxymorons.

Non-duality is an oxymoron because there are not two ways to overcome duality. In a relative dual reality existence, an absolute experience is a duality of a relative experience; so it cannot be a non-dual experience. A non-dual experience of absolute oneness called singularity cannot exist in a duality.

The paradox is: “A black hole can exist in reality but reality cannot exist in a black hole“

The Oxymoron is: “An empty black hole cannot be full of blackness”

A non-dual personal experience of divine oneness is unity with one’s divine Self. This is a triality of me, myself & I, which is a third choice of Threeness that overcomes the duality of Oneness & Twoness. It is not something that is the oneness of everything & nothing but something that is the unity of the dual reality Self with its Divine Soul. A triune reality experience overcomes the duality, or dual reality, of the soul/self.

  • The Divine Self is a Paradox
  • The one self is an Oxymoron