The Paradox Of Snakes & Ladders

The Paradox of Snakes & Ladders is that every snake is a potential ladder and every ladder is a potential snake.

Every apparent problem in life is an actual opportunity and every opportunity in life can be deemed to be a problem. The only difference between a snake and a ladder is the conscious-awareness of the perception of personal perspective.

An awakened child, when first playing the game, will ask: Why can’t I climb up the snakes? They are told to follow the rules that the adults have decided is fair for everyone. It is called an even playing field. Ironically, the rules ensure that only one person wins and everyone else loses. Their rule of equality determines who is a superior winner and who is an inferior loser.

An awakened adult realises that Snakes & Ladders is a Game of Life; played in a three dimensional globe of awareness, instead of on a two dimensional field of consciousness. A two dimensional field allows two choices of two choices of direction. I can choose to move forward or backward or right or left. As I reach the end of every path at the boundary of the field, I move either left or right. From a three dimensional perspective, I appear to go up one level but this is a two dimensional illusion as I am still on a flat playing surface. I mistake forwards for upwards and backwards for downwards. On a two dimensional board, there is no third dimension of up & down. When moving up or down the board, I am actually moving from right to left, backwards or forwards, which ever way I perceive it from my own perspective. When the ‘counter’ is two dimensional, so is their perspective.

With three dimensional awareness, I can play three dimensional snakes & ladders. I can now move horizontally forward & backward, laterally right or left, and vertically up or down. To do this, I first have to challenge and change all the rules that others made up in the two dimensional game, where snakes were in opposition and contrast to ladders.

In three dimensional snakes & ladders there are also Park Benches. These are for the unenlightened, who are lost, confused & frustrated without the presence of a clear direction. They park themselves on a bench waiting patiently or impatiently for a ladder of opportunity to pass by. Benches are there to allow rest, recuperation and idle reflection on a vital lesson in patience & impatience. With enough awareness of reflection, it is recognised that the provision of guidance & support is available to every participant.

When the paradox of the game is realised, every space in time is a real opportunity to choose to ascend in consciousness, as a ladder miraculously appears from nowhere. When I choose to go nowhere, I remain parked on the bench. When I choose to be now here, I am present and I have the presence to ascend the ladder. Without the presence of my emotional energy, I fear the ascent and my ladder turns instantly into a snake. When I face my fear, the snake turns instantly back into a ladder and I have the opportunity to ascend to my next level of awareness.

Whether I perceive the presence of a ladder or a snake is relative to the level of my emotional energy. I cannot climb a ladder of awareness without the emotional power to do so. Falling down the snakes needs no emotional power. Without awareness, I gravitate to my lowest level of consciousness, which are my sub-conscious fears & limiting beliefs. The more fears I have, the less emotional power I have and the more potential snakes that I encounter.

Parking my Self on a bench is where I learn to raise my emotional power by challenging and changing my beliefs about the rules of the game. It is always my false beliefs, fears & convictions that cause the problematic affects of my downfall.

With a new perception of my emotional power and a new perspective of my mental authority, as a golden rule, I ascend on my pathway through life with the certain feeling and the undoubtable knowing that my life is an ideal, divine and beneficial experience; in which I always gain and never lose.