Therapeutic Aggravation

Therapeutic Aggravation describes the paradox of: “Things always get worse before they get better”.

The journey from illness to wellness requires the re-experiencing of the unwellness that was originally encountered and suppressed.

It is a symptom of the body’s own healing process.

When the body’s natural cleansing process is suppressed with modern drugs, the body retains the toxicity that cannot be delivered and released through its natural functions and processes.

The lymph glands of the endocrine system are the natural mechanism by which the individual cells of the body cleanse their toxicity.

When the system becomes overloaded or suppressed, illness and disease become evident.

Hydration is the key to a well functioning cellular cleansing process.

Releasing retained toxicity that has compounded over many years will result in the experience of the same symptoms that were suppressed earlier in life.

All disease is curable once the body is brought back into balance and is allowed to maintain its natural processes.

Illness is usually seen as an aggravation and therapy as a treatment or cure.

Once I see that the illness and the cure are the same thing, I understand the paradox.