
Mortality is the reality of a Mortal Being. The reality of being mortal includes both life & death. The paradox of mortal reality is that I can be relatively dead whilst alive and equally alive whilst dead. I can also be dead to the world whilst asleep and only half alive whilst awake. Being fully alive whilst consciously awake, unconsciously asleep or dead, is the optimum potential of mortality.

I can choose mortal life as a beneficial experience of continuous, eternal & infinite opportunities or I can choose death as a detrimental default of ever increasing chaotic & disastrous problems. I can choose to thrive, strive or survive my mortal existence.

Being fully alive whilst apparently dead is the super-conscious capability of the Soul. My Soul is neither physically alive nor physically dead. It is both absolutely alive from a spiritual perspective and non-existent from the doctrine of the spiritually dead. Being alive in spiritual philosophy and dead to scientific theology defines the choice of a human mortal, not the perspective of the Spiritual Soul.

Mortal Beings have a choice of seeing death as the end of life or seeing life as the end of death. Alternatively, we can see life & death as a continuous cycle of an expansively evolving Soul, on a journey of discovery, exploration & experience of the physical & spiritual realms of existence.

Mortality is the realisation by mortal Beings that their reality is a continuing experience of the discovery of life and the exploration of death.