The Paradox of Construction & Destruction

Construction & Destruction are both a duality and a paradox:

  • The Duality states that construction is in opposition to destruction
  • The Paradox is that to construct from nothing requires the destruction of nothing and to construct with something requires the destruction of something

Aether is the something from which everything is created. It is the origin or source of all potential, from which all possibilities emanate. To create something constructive & definite requires the elimination or destruction of all other possible outcomes. From the indefinite potential of possibility, called the aether, manifests one definite particular possibility.

The construction of a definite creation is through the destruction of infinite creative potential. It is a matter of the realisation of a potential possibility. When I construct with a definite potential, I destroy its infinite potential.

  • The Id is the definitive constructor of actual experience
  • The Ego is the destroyer of infinite experiential potential
  • The Entity is the creator of the entirety of infinitive, potentially actual experience

I can choose to construct my reality, destroy my reality or create my reality.

The Soul is the Source Of Unlimited Life, created through the construct of physical existence and the destruction of spiritual potential, to enable an individual, unique & exclusive personal experience. The destructive personal experience of the ego Self, constructed by the beliefs of its sub-conscious Id, enables a creative personal experience of the super-conscious Soul Entity.

The existence of deconstructing potential enables the construction of a personal experience of the Creative Self.