Economic Growth

Economy is synonymous with thrift, frugality, parsimony, prudence and scarcity.

When Economic Growth is part of a financial operating system, it ensures that the populous remains in poverty and the elite overseers of the system remain in luxury & extravagance. The elite ruling class, who oversee our global financial system, know that economic growth for the masses equals financial growth for them.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever is the focus of our attention is unto ourself drawn. Focusing on economic growth for the people draws financial growth for the Elite and financial depletion for the people, through inflation.

Inflation of the financial system causes depreciation of asset value.

Economic growth in a debt based financial system encourages a controlled inflation, which appreciates only the assets of an elite ruling class. The more the elite financial overlords focus on economic growth, the richer they become and the poorer the people become.

Overcoming the current system of financial growth for the few at the expense of economic growth for the many requires a new paradigm of expansive growth for everyone. Expansive equality can be attained through a new system of Abundant Wealth for both our Leaders and their Followers.

Abundant Wealth through expansive growth allows the contentment of everyone to have enough. When everyone is discontent because they envy the assets of the rich, the assets of the rich appreciate and the assets of the poor depreciate. It is the scarcity mentality of the poor that causes an inflated depreciation of their asset value. It is the gluttony mentality of the rich that causes an inflated appreciation of their asset value.

As long as the rich have more than enough, the poor with be discontent with less than they need. When everyone is content with having enough, abundance is the new paradigm and expansive growth is the new system that works for everyone.

When everyone is content with what they have, there is no gluttony and there is no poverty. Appreciating what we have, by being content with the abundance of enough, is the key to expansive growth. In a System of Expansive Growth it is true happiness that is abundant instead of the false pleasure that is obtained through the currency of money.

When we give people credit for being content with enough abundant wealth, the focus is on enough abundant wealth and those in emotional debt who are unhappy, need only change their perspective.

Expansive Growth is attained when we each individually recognise the wealth of abundance that already exists in our life and value our own contentment above the gluttony that is causing our emotional poverty.

When everyone has the feeling of being content with enough, life is abundant and growth expands with the appreciation of what we all already have. We realise our own emotional wealth once we realise that economic growth is not who we really are.