Relative Absolution

Relative Absolution is an oxymoron. An absolute solution to a relative problem is a contradiction in terms.

Duality is a relative problem. It is the problem of a singular choice being in contrast or opposition to its self. The extent of the problem is relative to the extreme of the contrast that is causing the opposition to itself. When two opposing perspectives of the same energy vibration appear to exist, duality is the problem that is experienced.

Christian Sins & Virtues are opposing genders of the same energy vibrations. Absolving a sin in favour of its virtue is a relative solution, which is never absolute. Becoming virtuous does not absolve my sin, it just attracts it as my experience in other people. Like energy unto itself is drawn, so male sins attract female virtues and vice versa. This is absolutely neither a solution nor absolution.

Relative & absolute are a duality and only redemption redeems a third way to overcome it. It is a third way that is neither absolute nor relative that is always divine.