Absolute Divinity

Absolute Divinity is an oxymoron. Divinity is expansive, being neither contractual nor absolute.

An Absolute Experience has only one density, seen through a two dimensional consciousness. It is the absolute mental experience of euphoria, the absolute emotional experience of bliss and the absolute physical experience of ecstasy. An absolutely spiritual experience of bliss, euphoria & ecstasy is not divine because it is not grounded in physical reality. It is an ethereal experience of the potential of power, authority & ability being unrealised. It has one density of pure potential, called aether.

A Divine Experience is a spiritual experience, with 3 densities, from the perspective of 4 dimensional conscious-awareness. It is the mental experience of wise fulfilment, the emotional experience of abundant joy and the physical experience of healthy contentment. It is the divine experience of optimum physical ability, with certain mental authority and pure emotional power; as a fourth dimensional attainment.

Absolute Divinity is a contradiction in terms because a fourth dimensional perspective of divine conscious-awareness is not limited to a physical experience of absolutely only one density of something called nothing, with a potential for everything.