Disappointment, Bitterness, Devastation

Disappointment is an unmet expectation.

An expectation is awaiting the arrival of what I think that I want and I do not have.

The more that I need something to arrive, the more disappointed that I become with its non appearance.

The greater is my expectation, the more intense my disappointment.

I am bitterly disappointed by the continued absence of what I believe that I need to have.

Bitterness is the intense disappointment of an unmet need.

I am bitter at being denied the sweetness of my expectation.

When my highest expectations are dashed, I am devastated.

Devastation is the feeling of intense bitterness that what I need will not be forthcoming.

It is the extreme disappointment that my expectations will remain unmet.

I am devastated by my absence of emotional power to manifest what I believe that I am entitled to.