Temperance, Frugality, Austerity

Temperance is a limited perspective.

It is driven by the belief that life should be limited & moderated through choice.

I limit my perspective when I temper or harden it.

Temperance is a personal contract that chooses to tolerate the scarcity of less than enough.

It is depriving oneself with self restraint.

Frugality is extreme temperance.

It is driven by a belief in limitation & scarcity.

It is the belief that there is only enough when used frugally.

It is temperance that is moderated by an apparent lack or scarcity.

Austerity is the effect of extreme frugality.

It is the belief that what was once  scarce is now unavailable.

It is the self imposition of lack, limitation & scarcity.

The extremes of austerity are relative to the scarcity that the ego believes itself to be a victim of.