A Toxic World

The belief that I live in a toxic world is a toxic belief.

Drugs are chemical substances with either a toxic or a medicinal effect.

A chemical substance affects the physical body in one of three ways:

It can be medicinal, it can be toxic or it can be inert and have no actual effect.

Pure water is a chemical substance containing hydrogen & oxygen that is seen as inert being neither medicinal nor toxic.

It is only when I am dehygrated that water becomes the best medicine.

Air is a chemical substance of mainly nitrogen & oxygen, one is seen to be inert and the other seen as essential to life.

The best medicine for stress & over-work is fresh air not just pure oxygen.

Fresh food is neither toxic nor medicinal unless I am starving to death and it becomes my best medicine.

When I believe that I live in a healthy world, neither toxins nor medicines are either essential or necessary for life.