The Power of Negative Energy

Energy has great power, irrespective of its polarity.

Negative energy is emotional power that has a negative polarity.

Positive polarity has the power of creativity.

Negative polarity has the power to be destructive.

A positive polarity is empowered by the Soul’s authority.

A negative polarity is driven by the needs of the ego’s will.

When the ego’s will is not aligned with the Soul’s authority, it has a negative polarity.

The negative polarity of the will expresses its power in three different ways.

When the will is driven by an emotional need, it will get angry when it is not met.

When the will is driven by a false belief, it will not tolerate the arrogance.

When the will is driven by a drama that is caused by a lack of power or authority, it will get frustrated.

Powerful negative beliefs cause powerful emotional needs that cause powerful physical dramas to play out in life.