Intolerance is an Unsolved Problem

A toleration is a problem.

When I have a solution to a problem, I can tolerate the problem.

When I cannot find a solution to a problem it is intolerable.

A problem is an opportunity that has been missed.

When I cannot see the opportunity in life, it presents as a problem.

I do not tolerate opportunities, I accept them with gratitude and appreciation.

Without gratitude and appreciation for life, I will encounter problems.

The problems that have no apparent solution will become intolerable.

As life becomes more problematic, it becomes more intolerable.

As life descends into the chaos of having too many problems, it becomes more and more intolerable.

When life presents my Self with a disaster, I have found the limits of my tolerance and my intolerance and my life has become unacceptable.

An intolerable disaster is the inevitable result of having too many unsolved problems.