
Stress is a conflict of authority.

When the conscious ego is in conflict with integrity, it causes stress.

It is not stress that takes me out of integrity, it is being out of integrity that causes stress.

The Mind is in integrity when it is whole & undivided.

When my mind is divided by a conflict of authority, I am in stress.

My conscious mind is stressed when the beliefs held by my sub-conscious are out of alignment with my super-conscious true Self.

Trauma is my intense experience of being out of integrity.

It is extremely traumatic being intensely separated from my Soul’s integrity.

Being out of integrity is a toleration.

Being in an intense drama is intolerably traumatic.

When there are no tolerations, there are no dramas & there are no traumas.

I am only ever stressed by what I am tolerating.

I am only ever tolerating someone else’s beliefs or someone else’s authority.

Accepting the truth of my own authority is never a toleration & never stressful.