Being Inclusive

Being Inclusive is including other people in my life.

It is how I relate to other people who I like and who are like me.

I include people in my life who meet my needs emotionally.

I attach myself emotionally to people who I need.

I include people to whom I am attached.

I exclude people who I dislike, who I do not need and who I am not attached to.

Religious people are inclusive with the followers of their religion and often exclude followers of other religions.

They are exclusively attached to their own followers yet specifically exclude all others.

Being inclusive may be a positive benefit to needy people but is a negative distraction to my own exclusive path.

Religious dogma dictates one inclusive spiritual path for all to follow not an individually exclusive path for each and every person.

Being connected to my own spiritual path aligns my Self with my own exclusive authority & power.

Being inclusive requires me to forfeit my power and authority to the dictates of others.

My inclusive attachment to life is my fate; my exclusive connection to life is my destiny.