
Disconnected is a negative default attribute.

I am never disconnected from life, while alive.

I am only ever disconnected from my source of mental authority, which connects my emotional power.

The Source of my power & authority lies at the Heart of my Beingness.

Being disconnected is being heartless.

The less heart that I have, the more disconnected I am from my emotional power.

When I am disconnected from my true source of power, I attach myself to other people’s emotional energy.

When I am being aloof, I pretend to unattach myself from others to gain their energy.

When entrained with negative disconnected people, I am unemotional & insensitive to those who do not serve me or those I do not like.

It is my insensitivity & aloofness that attaches me emotionally to people whom I dislike.

It is my disconnection from source energy that allows the experience of being unemotional, aloof & insensitive with other people.

In actuality, I am always connected at a Soul level to all other people.

My Soul is never disconnected.