Being Angry

Being Angry is being powerless to respond.

When I am powerless, I am not being who I choose to be.

I choose to be an aspect of my Beingness that expresses my emotional power.

When I am unable to manage my emotional power, I become angry.

Anger is not the absence of emotional power but a reaction of emotional energy.

It is the presence of negative emotional energy.

When I am angry, my emotional power is being channelled in a negative direction.

When I express my emotional energy in a negative way, I show my anger.

I cannot be angry when I am disconnected from my emotional energy.

My emotions are depressed and so is my anger.

Patience is learned by disconnecting emotionally from what is occurring.

Impatience is caused by my attachment to whatever is occurring.

Anger is my extreme impatience at being unable to manage & express my feelings in a positive way.