Being Obedient

Being Obedient is being motivated to follow someone else’s direction.

I obey another’s authority in return for their motivation.

Giving up my choice is the duty that I pay for my obedience.

When I believe that it is my duty to obey, it can be very taxing.

Being disobedient is my lack of motivation to do what others want me to do.

I am never empowered to do what others want.

Without sufficient motivation, it is not possible to be obedient because it is too emotionally taxing.

Obedience is an emotional need created by my belief that I must do my duty.

My need to obey and to be dutiful is met by my obedience to another.

I always have choice.

I can choose to be obedient to others, be obedient to my ego self and disobey others, or I can be in obeyance with my Soul, which always empowers me.