
Disapproval is a negative default attainment.

I default to disapproval when whatever turns up is not to my liking.

Whatever is not perfectly suited to my liking receives my disapproval.

When I believe that life should be perfect, I disapprove of any imperfections.

I disapprove of any fault in my reality that does not meet my approval.

My belief that a perfect world is possible as my reality, allows imperfection to exist.

I disapprove of whatever drains my emotional energy.

When I am disconnected from my source of emotional power, there are many opportunities to feed my disapproval.

Whatever fuels my disapproval, I see as a problem & a toleration.

I do not see my fear & my limiting beliefs as the cause of my disapproval.

When I disapprove of a perfect world, I allow my ideal reality to manifest.