Human Instinct

Human Instinct can be over-ridden by choice.

Animal behaviour is instinctive.

Humans have a choice between acting instinctively or responding reflectively.

We are taught from an early age to reflect on our options before making an intelligently informed choice.

An informed choice that is classed as intelligent requires learned information.

The greater our learning and the more information we have, the greater our ability to reflect and to respond intelligently to any situation.

The more rational we become in analysing our situation and making informed choices, the less instinctive our actions become.

We have reached a point in human evolution where instinctive behaviour only occurs in moments of extreme danger to life.

In a rational world of educated planning, ‘instinct’ has almost become ‘extinct’.

We have lost our powers of Intuition that allow our lives to flow Instinctively.

We have lost the Source of our Connection to our “Intuitive-Instinct” – our Soul.