Debt & Credit

Debt & Credit are the same thing seen from opposing directions.

When I have more than enough, I am in credit.

When I have less than I need, I am in debt.

When I borrow with a positive perspective, I am receiving credit.

When I borrow with a negative perspective, I am arranging a debt.

When a lender sees me in a positive light, they extend me credit.

When a lender sees me in a negative light, they for-close on my debt.

When I see myself as in credit, I perceive myself to have no debt.

When I see myself as in debt, I perceive myself as in need of credit.

I subjectively look at my debt to you, whilst I objectively see your credit.

I subjectively see my credit when I look at your debt to me.

My perception of whether I am in debt or credit is determined by my belief about having more or less than enough.

I overcome my credit debt whenever I have enough.

Enough is a perspective and a state of being, never an amount of money.