Peace Of Mind

Peace of Mind is a mental state of being. It is a mental state of mind, being without conflict. With no mental conflict, I have peace of mind. Removing mental conflict is the pathway to peace.

The Way to Peace of Mind is an inner mental journey. Mental conflict occurs between my sub-conscious mind and my super-conscious mind. My super-conscious is the mind of my Soul, which is never in conflict. When I harmonise with another at the Soul level, I have peace of mind because there is no conflict.

Peace of mind allows mental clarity. Mental conflict causes chaos & confusion. It occurs when my belief system is out of alignment with my Truth. The truth is that peace of mind is my true state of being. It is my true mentality, my true mental reality.

My true mentality is the wisdom of my higher Self, my Super-conscious Soul. In the absence of a true connection with my innate wisdom of the Soul, I default to stored beliefs in my sub-conscious that have been given to me by other people.

My sub-conscious mind has stored other people’s beliefs in my memory since my birth into the physical reality of this lifetime. My reservoir of stored mental beliefs determines my instinctive, habitual behaviour, my physical activity and my emotional reactions. It determines what I believe that I should do, ought to do, must do and have to do; to tolerate what is occurring in my life. These are my beliefs but they are not my truth.

The truth is that tolerations are the cause of mental conflict. When I am tolerating what other people have taught me I should, ought to, must & have to do, I am in conflict with the peaceful nature of my Soul.

Tolerations are always a problem because they are out of alignment with my personal truth. My personal truth is my true faith that illuminates my own path in life. This is the path of my Soul, which is my truth and my true way that is exclusively mine.

Everyone has their own truth when they have faith in their own unique life path. Following someone else’s true path is always a toleration that causes mental conflict and disallows peace of mind. Having faith in another’s path is being unfaithful to my own path.

I attain peace of mind when I allow all other people to follow their own path. When I allow others the faith of their own beliefs, then they allow me to faithfully follow my path with total peace of mind and no conflict exists between us.

I am never in conflict with other people, I am only ever in conflict with what they believe to be their truth. When I realise that I am creating my own reality in alignment with my own truth, I attain complete peace of mind.