Knowledge & Intelligence

Knowledge & Intelligence are not the same.

Knowledge is an accumulation of facts about the physical world.

It is taught by people who have knowledge to people who do not.

Knowledge is not relative to intelligence.

Having more knowledge never made anyone more intelligent.

Intelligent idiots are knowledgeable, but not intelligent.

I do not have knowledge of a spiritual existence, it is an intuitive sense.

A sense of knowing requires emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence, how I feel, requires rational intelligence to understand it logically.

Understanding how I feel requires a logical sense of emotional feeling to see it intuitively.

Physical Intelligence is a measure of how well I use my physical senses to interpret the world around me.

Spiritual Intelligence is a measure of how well I use my intuitive senses to interpret the world within me.

I can have no knowledge of anything yet still be very intelligent, as any intelligent baby will tell you.