
Intelligence is both rational & emotional.

Rational Intelligence (IQ) requires a sense of intuitive knowing.

Intuitive knowing is inherent, not learned.

Education is not measured with IQ.

Education uses IQ as a measure of ability to learn, not as a measure of how much has been learned.

My IQ is tested when I start school but not when I finish.

Education completely disregards emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) requires a sense of intuitive feeling.

As with intuitive knowing, intuitive feeling or intuitive sensing is inherent not learned.

Intuition is inherent. I do not need to learn it, though I may need to learn how to reconnect to it.

Rational intelligence is processed through the mental processor that is my brain.

Emotional intelligence is processed through the emotional processor that is my solar plexus.

With both EQ & IQ, I intuitively see the world intelligently with a bigger & a higher perspective of life.