The Emotional Brain

My Emotional Brain processes my feelings.

My emotional feelings are my communication with my Soul.

My Soul communicates with its Self with pure feeling.

Disconnected Individuals are disconnected from their feeling centre.

The feeling centre, or the emotional brain, is called the Solar Plexus.

It is the ‘place’ where my ‘sun’ shines.

In their disconnected perception, men & women have different perspectives as to where their emotional brain is located.

The general male perspective is that the emotional brain is in the head.

The general female perception is that a woman’s emotional centre is in her heart, whereas a man’s emotional brain is often located in his genitals.

As the solar plexus is not a physical organ but an emotional centre, it can be located wherever it becomes apparent.

It may even be located as a stabbing pain in the kidneys in times of intense emotional lack of communication.

It really depends on how well connected my Self is in communication with my Soul.