Dimensional Thinking

With One Dimensional Thinking, I have no choice because I believe that life happens to me. I am in survival mode. I have no choice but to survive whatever is happening to me. One choice of dimensional thinking has no other option. This is a single or singular perspective of the sub-conscious mind.

With Two Dimensional Thinking, I have two choices: I can let life happen to me or I can make life happen by me. When I choose to make life happen by me, I am in striving mode. I choose to strive to make life happen by me, in a better way. Sometimes I make a wrong choice and life happens in a worse way. My second choice of perspective causes an opposing polarity of thinking, which is a duality or dual reality of the mind. I discover that every choice has two options, plus a third choice of not choosing. This is the dual perspective of a conscious ego sense of self.

With Three Dimensional Thinking, I realise that I always have three choices. I realise that the third choice is a real choice and not my choice not to choose between either of the extremes of the duality. The reality of this third choice is that it is always the balance between the extremes of the duality. I can only realise that there is a third choice, once I have discovered, explored & experienced the extremes of my two dimensional thinking. Without an active see-saw of emotions, there is no fulcrum to explore and balance to experience. The balance between life happening to me and life happening by me is life happening through me. When I allow life to happen through me as my third choice, my three dimensional thinking allows my life to thrive. This is the triune awareness of my super-conscious mind.

If my one dimensional thinking is enabled in a three dimensional world, then my two dimensional thinking is enabled in a four dimensional world and my three dimensional thinking is enabled in a five dimensional world.

  • A three dimensional world happens to me
  • A four dimensional world happens by me
  • A five dimensional world happens through me