
Dissociation is the disassociation, disconnection or fragmentation of my conscious mental thoughts. The paradox is that I dissociate from the purity of my own intuitive thoughts when I associate with dissociated intellectual thinking of other people.

In general, dissociation normally occurs for most children between birth and five years old. At birth, all babies have a spiritual connection or association with their Soul. They are awake, alert and aware of this spiritual association with their Soul. As we learn from birth to associate our Self with a spiritually disconnected reality, we become disconnected from our Soul and disassociate with our spiritual reality. We remain awake to our physical existence, yet unaware of our spiritual origins.

“As we associate our Self with our physical reality, we dissociate from our spiritual reality”

In this three dimensional reality, the Human Mind mentally associates with conscious thought on three levels of communication:

  • I associate with the intellectual physical world with my mental frequency of beta brain waves
  • I associate with my sub-conscious memory and instinctive autonomous mental activity on a theta frequency of brain waves
  • I associate with my higher super-conscious source of intuitive guidance, support & provision, at the Soul level of alpha brain activity

Dissociation is medically diagnosed as a mental disorder when my brain wave activity deviates from what is considered a normal beta frequency, whilst I am awake. Mild dissociation is called day-dreaming and extreme dissociation is diagnosed as hallucinations or hysteria. Psychiatric evaluation is based on the efficient workings of a healthy rational, intellectual brain, not the mental association of three levels of thoughtful consciousness.

A healthy mind is the association of a balanced mentality with three levels of consciousness being processed effortlessly, efficiently & effectively by a physical brain. When all three levels of consciousness work in association, I am spiritually connected to the Source of a Universal Mind. My brain is processing one version of my true mental reality.

When my physical consciousness disassociates itself from its sub-conscious experiences and its spiritual origins, I subject my Self to a dissociated reality.

My Soul has chosen for its Self to live in a dissociated reality, for the purpose of expansive spiritual growth. It is by dissociating my Self from my Soul’s Truth that I am able to discover who I really am by experiencing whom I really am not. Through the personal choices of my dissociated Self, I am able to choose the aspects of my Self with whom I truly associate. In absolute reality, I only ever choose to associate with the absolutely divine, beneficial & ideal aspects of my Self; which is by my definition, my Soul.

My choice is to ever associate with my Soul-like qualities through the dissociation of any aspect of my ego self that does not fulfil my Soul’s agenda for its Self.