A Matter Of Conscience

A Matter of Conscience puts a mind into conflict.

A conflict between the head & the heart.

My head holds my beliefs that are my ethics, morals & principles.

My heart via my solar plexus tells me what feels right for me.

A matter of conscious is a belief in doing what is believed to be right.

Is following one’s conscious the right thing to do?

Is choosing what feels right the right thing to do?

When there is no conflict, there is no resistance to choosing the right choice for me.

The right thing for me is what I know is right because it feels right.

What causes every inner conflict is a belief that is wrong.

A right belief allows inner peace.

Conscience is a matter of choice between what is perceived to be right or wrong.

Intuition is a matter of knowing, feeling & seeing what is right for me right now.

Intuition is never wrong.