Mind Waves

Mind Waves vibrate at different frequencies.

The frequency of my thought determines my state of consciousness.

My mind can be in a state of deep sleep, in a dream state, in a meditative state or it can be awake to the physical world.

Awake to physical consciousness, my conscious mind has a mental frequency of 16-31 cycles per second.

One wave cycle per second is measured as 1 Hz or one hertz.

In meditation my mind waves have a frequency between 8-15 Hz.

This is the frequency of thought from my super-conscious mind.

In a dream state, my sub-conscious mind has a frequency of 4-7 Hz.

In deep sleep, my brain is inactive with a frequency of 0.1-3 Hz.

This maintains my connection to my supra-conscious mind.

At different frequencies my mind tunes into different realities.

My mind relates to physical reality when it resonates at a speed between 16-31 frames per second.

My Soul communication is received when my Self tunes in at a frequency of 8-15 cycles per second.

My brain is the receiver of mind waves, my mind is the transmitter of thought waves.