Sonic, Sub-Sonic, Super-Sonic

Sonic is the speed of sound.

Sound is a physical vibration.

When it is converted to an electro-magnetic wave it becomes a radio wave.

Radio waves are the lowest vibration on the electro-magnetic spectrum.

They have the slowest frequency & the longest wavelength.

I talk at the speed of my thinking.

My thinking is sub-sonic yet my words travel at sonic speed.

I think, write & read at speeds lower that the speed of sound.

At sub-sonic speeds, my brain is able to process individual frequencies off sound as distinct words.

Super-conscious thoughts travel at super-sonic speeds.

Inspired, illuminating thoughts travel at the speed of light.

They appear instantly in my conscious mind.

Super-sonic thought is an electro-magnetic wave.

Sub-sonic thinking is a process of my brain.

My super-conscious mind is light speeds faster than my sub-sonic sub-conscious mind.