Spiritual Logic

Spiritual Logic defines the meaning of Spiritual Reality.

Logic defines the meaning of the Word.

The derivation of Logic is from Logia, the Word.

Connecting the Word spiritually requires empowered inspiration.

Revelations are inspired words or logia.

Interpreting the word spiritually requires intuitive eyes to see the meaning.

My physical eyes see only the smaller picture of physical reality.

My spiritual logic sees the bigger picture of my actual reality that aligns with my life vision.

Rational logic says that: When you are dead, you are dead.

Spiritual logic says that: Consciousness [Energy] is never destroyed, it just changes form.

Rational logic says: Consciousness is the state of being awake because we are unconscious when asleep.

Spiritual logic says: Consciousness is the Mind & Thought in action.

Consciousness never sleeps, it just changes perspective as it changes form.

Spiritual logic is intuitive, rational logic is not.