
Meditation is the practice of quietening the mind.

My conscious mind is my focus.

My sub-conscious mind is continually processing information through my brain.

It is like a video recorder that stores data on a hard drive.

Meditation is a way of turning off or tuning out my sub-conscious brain activity.

Medi means middle.

The alpha waves of meditation are between the delta & theta waves of being asleep and the beta & gamma waves of being awake.

Meditation is the middle state of mind between sleep state & awake state or consciousness & unconsciousness.

This between state of consciousness allows a unique space of awareness, which is natural but not normal.

In this state of awareness my inner guidance & my inner tutor is accessible.

I connect to my intuitive super-conscious inner guidance through the alpha waves of meditation.

There is a greater purpose to meditation than restfulness, peace & serenity.

This is just the gateway to my life-path.