
The Id is my sub-conscious mind.

An Iota is a small piece of wit.

My wit is my divine ability.

My divine ability is relative to my divine authority of choice.

Connected to my super-conscious Soul, I receive small pieces of wit.

Left to my own devices, I become attached to the whims of my ego.

Idiota rely on the chattering mind of the sub-conscious id.

It is the ‘monkey-mind’ of the id that sees life as a problem and a challenge that needs to be solved.

It is the role of the id to manage the physical body & supply the conscious ego with sufficient emotional energy.

When the id is without an iota of connection to source, it can act like an idiot.

An iota of incompetence has no intuitive ability.

Idiota are apparent idiots who are enslaved to their sub-conscious programming, being devoid of their common sense of intuition.