The Source Of My Authority

The Source of my Authority is my Mind.

My Conscious Self has the authority of choice.

It is authorised to choose whatever it chooses.

However, every choice is not necessarily authorised.

When I am in two minds my choice is not empowered.

Only my Super-conscious choice is authorised.

My super-conscious choice has the authority of my Soul, which is empowered.

My super-conscious Mind knows my destiny and my life path.

My sub-conscious mind has the authority to manage my physical body without any higher knowledge.

My sub-conscious programming is not always aligned with my super-conscious choices.

It is the perspective of my ego’s conscious mind that sees my effortless path or my chaotic existence.

It is always the perspective of my mind that either connects or disconnects the authority of my choice.

When my conscious mind is aware that my sub-conscious mind is aligned with my super-conscious mind, I am truly aligned with the Source of my Authority.