Being Memory-Less

Being Memory-Less allows my Self to be Mindful.

My memory allows me to do what I believe that I ought to, I should, I must & I have to do.

These are all tolerations of the ego Self.

Memory helps me to plan the future based on what happened in the past.

It allows me to project my future with an ‘if’ and object to my future with a ‘but’.

The more I remember my past, the more mindless I become in the present.

Being mindful is being present in the now.

I do not need memory to be mindful, unless that is, I forget to be present.

Memory is a function of my sub-conscious programming.

Intuition is a sense of my super-conscious mind.

An all knowing & all seeing mind has no need of a memory.

My mindful presence allows my intuition to flow.

With more intuition, memory becomes less important.

I intuitively remember my future when I conscious overcome my memories of the past.

Being memory-less allows me to be intuitive more.