Brain Waves

Brain Waves are the channel through which the brain processes mental programmes.

Mental programmes are levels or densities of consciousness of the mind, which are received as thought.

The brain transmits & receives thought waves on a spectrum of different wavelengths, relative to the source or the destination of the communication.

The wavelength on which thought is transmitted or received is measured as its frequency, in cycles per second called hertz. The brain processes the transmission of thought as thought waves, relative to their frequency. In a dual reality existence, wavelength is always relative to frequency.

The brain is the processor of thought, not the originator. The origination or source of thought is the Mind. Different levels or densities of consciousness allow the mind to have different sources and different destinations for thought.

The conscious mind experiences a physical reality, which the brain processes as particular data and transmits to the sub-conscious mind for storage as memory. When the brain recalls data from the sub-conscious mind into the conscious mind, it is called remembering from memory.

Transmission between the conscious and the sub-conscious levels of mind occurs at the frequency of theta brain waves.

Experience of conscious physical reality, with our physical senses, occurs at the frequency of beta or conscious brain active.

When the brain goes into standby mode in deep sleep, it operates on a frequency of delta wavelengths.

Transmission between the conscious mind and the super-conscious mind of the imagination occurs at the frequency of alpha brain waves. It is in an alpha state of brain active that I have inspired revelations of the imagination, commonly known as a brain wave.

Alpha brain waves are the frequency of the meditation state. My purpose for meditation is to connect with the super-conscious imagination of my Soulful Mind.

Theta brain waves are the frequency of the sub-conscious mind or trance state. Hypnotic trance is the state in which I am mesmerised and my mind is operating on instinct. Hypnotic trance is a sub-conscious connection to the time-line of our past experiences of this and previous lifetimes.

Transmission between theta and beta levels of consciousness is called personal thinking. This may range between rational logic and irrational fear, intellectual reasoning and unreasonable stupidity. The quality of the data stored sub-consciously has a direct effect on the quality of our conscious thinking.

Theta brain waves are the level on which my mind sub-consciously reacts instinctively. It is the level on which I sub-consciously plan how to meet my need for emotional power.

Beta brain waves are the level on which I use my five physical senses to assess my current physical reality. It is the level of conscious choice and conscious intention.

Gamma brain waves are the level of pure Light (c), on which I mentally connect with the universal macrocosm of Higher Intelligence or ascended densities of Consciousness, which are the Source of all channelled spiritual information.

Alpha brain waves allow personal communication at an intuitive or Soul level. This is the level of personal guidance, inspiration and imaginative creativity. An awareness of alpha activity requires theta thinking to be tuned out to allow higher thought to tune in. In alpha meditation, a sense of calm peaceful relaxation is attained to allow the intuitive senses to become freely connected.

Delta brain waves are the level at which I temporarily switch off my brain. It is my sleep mode.