The Aether

The Aether is the pure potential of unrealised energy.

Science does not recognise unrealised energy because it is not empirically measurable. Science does not realise that the Quantum Void, the Plane of Inertia and Dark Energy are the Aether.

The Potential of the Aether is to be Creative. All that is, was, and ever will be realised as a reality, originates from the aether. It is the Universal Source of everything that is in physical reality.

In its quest to find the source of physical reality, science is exploring dark energy in the quantum void as a source of destructive or constructive energy, which is in conflict and is opposed to the realisation of creative energy. Apparently the void of space is still a vacuum but the quantum void has potential.

The creative force that is still unrealised by physical science is Thought. Thought as a Conscious projection of the Mind is a frequency of the electro-magnetic energy of Light that is still unrealised by science. Scientists will not realise that there is Light in dark energy & dark matter until they become energetically or spiritually enlightened.

Unrealised energy is called inertia. Inertia is a point source of dielectric potential that is unrealised because of its inactivity or absence of perceived vibrational energy. An energy without a vibration is an anathema to science. It is the stillness within that is without the chaos without.

The Aether is an infinite magnitude of energy without a force. A wavelength of energy without a frequency. A space in space without any time. In a space without time, reality is just a potential. A magnitude requires a force to realise its potential.

The creative force of our Reality is called Thought, which creates through Attraction. An attractive thought with a potential magnitude is really creative. There is only one universal force, which is called attraction. This attractive force is ‘Like Energy’ being drawn unto itself. The like energy of the aether is inert inertia. The like energy of physical reality is relative to the frequency & wavelength of its vibration.

There is only one Universal Source of Everything. It is called the Aether or the Inner Ertia, which has a dielectric potential with a magnetic magnitude and an electric force that creates the reality of all Life.

The potential of the dielectric is to realise electricity & magnetism as a range of electro-magnetic energy from physical sound to the gamma radiation (c) of pure Light, called Thought. This is not to be confused with the alpha, beta & theta brain waves of impure thinking.

The potential of the imagination is to attract a relative experience of physical reality, with the creative force of pure thought, from the infinite magnitude of pure aether.

The creative imagination of pure mental thought equates to the emotional experience of pure feeling. The purpose of the creative mental thought of the imagination, called Light, is to feel the experience of pure emotion, called Love. Pure emotional feeling is the Light Energy of the Aether’s creative magnitude of potential, experienced in the physical, as Love. The balance of Love & Light is the Essence of Life.

Pure creative thought is the gamma radiation of pure electro-magnetic Light, which is the universal force of attraction, in action; manifesting reality in space-time from the Aether.